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The authoritative source for SheetJS libraries is . Unfortunately, some third-party tools do not support the URL pattern for NodeJS packages hosted on the main distribution point. is a mirror that uses a different URL scheme for NodeJS packages. The mirror is maintained by SheetJS LLC.

It is strongly recommended to use when possible!

NodeJS Packages

Package tarballs are available on is the URL for version 0.20.3

Tarballs can be directly installed using a package manager:

yarn remove xlsx
yarn add

Newer releases of Yarn may throw an error:

Usage Error: It seems you are trying to add a package using a https:... url; we now require package names to be explicitly specified.
Try running the command again with the package name prefixed: yarn add my-package@https:...

The workaround is to prepend the URL with xlsx@:

yarn add xlsx@

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