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Spreadsheets in Dropbox

Dropbox is a file hosting service that offers APIs for programmatic file access.

SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.

This demo uses SheetJS to read and write spreadsheets stored on Dropbox. We'll explore two Dropbox API workflows:

  • A "Chooser"1 application allows users to select files from their Dropbox accounts. This demo will fetch and parse the selected file.

  • A "Saver"2 application allows users to save a generated spreadsheet to their Dropbox account. This demo will generate a XLS workbook using SheetJS.

Integration Details

"Dropbox Apps" are the standard way to interact with the service. The "Dropbox App" section describes how this demo was configured.

The Dropbox API script is loaded in this page with

<script type="text/javascript" src="" id="dropboxjs" data-app-key="v85yuk360zx6nyx"></script>

The data-app-key used in this demo is a "Development" key associated with the localhost and domains. Dropbox API does not require "Production" approval for the Chooser or Saver.

The live demos require a Dropbox account.

Reading Files

"Chooser" is a small library that lets users select a file from their account. Dropbox.createChooseButton is a function that accepts an options argument and returns a DOM element that should be added to the page:

var button = Dropbox.createChooseButton({
/* ... options described below ... */

The following options must be set:

  • multiselect: false ensures only one file can be selected
  • folderselect: false limits selection to real files
  • linkType: "direct" ensures the link points to a raw file
  • success method is called when the user selects a file

The following options are optional:

  • extensions: ['.xlsx', '.xls'] limits the file types for selection

Chooser Callback

The success callback method receives an array of File objects even if only one file is selected. This file object has the following properties:

  • name is the name of the selected file
  • link is a temporary URL that can be fetched

This demo fetches the link using the fetch API, parses the raw data using the SheetJS read function3 and generates a HTML table using sheet_to_html4

async(files) => {
/* get file entry -- note that dropbox API always passes an array */
var file = files[0];
console.log(`Selected ${} ID=${}`);

/* fetch file and parse */
var wb = (await fetch(;

/* convert first sheet to HTML table and add to page */
var html = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);

Chooser Live Demo

If the live demo shows a message

ReferenceError: Dropbox is not defined

please refresh the page. This is a known bug in the documentation generator.

Live Editor
function SheetJSChoisissez() {
  const [msg, setMsg] = React.useState("Press the button to show a Chooser");
  const btn = useRef(), tbl = useRef();
  React.useEffect(() => {
    if(typeof Dropbox == "undefined") return setMsg("Dropbox is not defined");
    /* create button */
    var button = Dropbox.createChooseButton({
      /* required settings */
      multiselect: false,
      folderselect: false,
      linkType: "direct",
      /* optional settings */
      extensions: ['.xlsx', '.xls', '.numbers'], // list of extensions

      /* event handlers */
      cancel: () => setMsg("User Canceled Selection!"),
      success: async(files) => {
        /* get file entry -- note that dropbox API always passes an array */
        var file = files[0];
        setMsg(`Selected ${} ID=${}`);

        /* fetch file and parse */
        var wb = (await fetch(;

        /* convert first sheet to HTML table and add to page */
        tbl.current.innerHTML = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
    /* add button to page */
  }, []);
  return ( <><b>{msg}</b><br/><div ref={btn}/><div ref={tbl}/></> );

Writing Files

"Saver" is a small library that lets users save files to their account. Dropbox.createSaveButton is a function that accepts three arguments and returns a DOM element that should be added to the page:

var button = Dropbox.createSaveButton(url, filename, options);
/* add button to page */

filename will be the recommended filename in the Save window.

The options object supports two callbacks: success (if the save succeeded) and cancel (if the user cancels without saving).


The Dropbox API was not designed for writing files that are created in the web browser. The Data URI approach is a neat workaround but should not be used in production for larger files. It is better to create the files in the server using NodeJS and generate a proper URL for Dropbox to fetch.

The Dropbox API is designed to fetch data from a user-specified URL. Files are not included in the request!

The SheetJS workaround involves the Data URI scheme5. The main steps are:

  1. Write a workbook using the SheetJS write6 method. The type: "base64" option instructs the method to return a Base64-encoded string.
/* write XLS workbook (Base64 string) */
const b64 = XLSX.write(workbook, { type: "base64", bookType: "xls" });
  1. Construct a Data URL by prepending the data header:
/* create data URI */
const url = "data:application/;base64," + b64;
  1. Create a button and add it to the page:
/* create save button using the concise function call */
var button = Dropbox.createSaveButton( url, "SheetJSDropbox.xls", {
success: () => setMsg("File saved successfully!"),
cancel: () => setMsg("User Canceled Selection!"),

The file must be written before the Save button is created.

Saver Live Demo

This demo starts with an array of arrays of data. When the page loads, the data is exported to XLSX and a data URI is generated. When the button is clicked, the data URI is sent to Dropbox and the service will attempt to save the data to SheetJSDropbox.xls in your Dropbox account.

If the live demo shows a message

ReferenceError: Dropbox is not defined

please refresh the page. This is a known bug in the documentation generator.

Live Editor
function SheetJSEnregistrez() {
  const [msg, setMsg] = React.useState("Press the button to write XLS file");
  const btn = useRef(), tbl = useRef();
  React.useEffect(() => { (async() => {
    if(typeof Dropbox == "undefined") return setMsg("Dropbox is not defined");
    /* fetch data and write table (sample data) */
    const f = await(await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
    const wb =;
    tbl.current.innerHTML = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);

    /* create workbook from table */
    const table = tbl.current.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")[0];
    const new_wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(table);

    /* write XLS workbook (Base64 string) */
    const b64 = XLSX.write(new_wb, { type: "base64", bookType: "xls" });

    /* create data URI */
    const url = "data:application/;base64," + b64;

    /* create save button using the concise function call */
    var button = Dropbox.createSaveButton( url, "SheetJSDropbox.xls", {
      success: () => setMsg("File saved successfully!"),
      cancel: () => setMsg("User Canceled Selection!"),
    /* add button to page */
  })(); }, []);
  return ( <><b>{msg}</b><br/><div ref={btn}/><div ref={tbl}/></> );

Dropbox App

Tested Deployments

This demo was last tested on 2024-05-27.

This demo requires a "Dropbox app":

  1. Create a Dropbox account and verify the associated email address. This demo has been tested with a free Dropbox Basic plan account. The app installation step can be safely skipped.

  2. Create a Dropbox app in the Developer panel.

Click the ᎒᎒᎒ icon > App Center. In the next page, click "Build an App" in the left sidebar. In the next page, click "Create apps".

In the App creation wizard, select the following options:

  • "Choose an API": "Scoped access"
  • "Choose the type of access you need": "Full Dropbox"
  • "Name": (enter any name)

The Dropbox API Terms and Conditions should be reviewed before acceptance.

Click "Create App" to create the app.

  1. Configure the Dropbox app in the Developer tools.

The following permissions should be selected in the "Permissions" tab

  • files.metadata.write (View and edit information about your Dropbox files and folders)
  • (View information about your Dropbox files and folders)
  • files.content.write (Edit content of your Dropbox files and folders)
  • (View content of your Dropbox files and folders)

After selecting the permissions, click "Submit".

In the Settings tab, under "Chooser / Saver / Embedder domains", the desired public domains should be added. localhost must also be added for development use (it is not automatically enabled).

For public use, select "Enable Additional Users".

  1. Copy the "App key" and add it to the data-app-key attribute of the Dropbox integration script reference.


  1. See "Chooser" in the Dropbox Developers Documentation

  2. See "Saver" in the Dropbox Developers Documentation

  3. See read in "Reading Files"

  4. See sheet_to_html in "Utilities"

  5. See "Data URLs" in the "MDN web docs"

  6. See writeFile in "Writing Files"